July Wrap-Up and August TBR

It has been a HUGE reading month for me – probably the best ever! I read 17 books in July – including three that I awarded FIVE STARS!

I’d like to thank the heatwave for making it impossible for me to do much else other than read. I am eternally grateful that this coincided (happily) with time off work!

I’m now at 81/100 on my Goodreads Challenge.

Continue reading July Wrap-Up and August TBR

WWW Wednesday: 14th July, 2021

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Taking on a World of Words. Anyone can take part and it is a great way of sharing what you have just finished reading, what you are currently reading and what is next on the TBR.

Since I last did a WWW Wednesday post, the school term has finished and this teacher is now reading whatever and whenever! I’m now at 70/100 on my Goodreads Challenge.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday: 14th July, 2021

(Audio)Book Review: ‘This is Your Mind on Plants’ by Michael Pollan

As an avid reader of books about the Victorian era, I’m no stranger to opium – purely in the context of reading, you understand, rather than personal experience! I am, however, a confirmed and accepting caffeine addict so this book – focused on opium, caffeine and mescaline – sounded absolutely fascinating. I duly downloaded the audiobook and got stuck in…

Continue reading (Audio)Book Review: ‘This is Your Mind on Plants’ by Michael Pollan