WWW Wednesday: 21st July, 2021

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Taking on a World of Words. Anyone can take part and it is a great way of sharing what you have just finished reading, what you are currently reading and what is next on the TBR.

The school term is now finished and I am free to read! It is very sunny and my pale gingery self can’t cope so I’m looking forward to hiding from the sun with a cold drink, a huge pile of books and the ever-present (but not long-lasting) family pack of Fruit Gums!

I’m now at 73/100 on my Goodreads Challenge.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday: 21st July, 2021

Blog Tour: ‘Lying with Lions’ by Annabel Fielding

I love historical fiction and so jumped at the chance to read this book, set in Edwardian England. Thank you to NetGalley and Annabel Fielding for the copy of the book in exchange for an honest review, plus the chance to join the blog tour.

Continue reading Blog Tour: ‘Lying with Lions’ by Annabel Fielding

WWW Wednesday: 14th July, 2021

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Taking on a World of Words. Anyone can take part and it is a great way of sharing what you have just finished reading, what you are currently reading and what is next on the TBR.

Since I last did a WWW Wednesday post, the school term has finished and this teacher is now reading whatever and whenever! I’m now at 70/100 on my Goodreads Challenge.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday: 14th July, 2021

Book Review: ‘Meet the Georgians’ by Robert Peal

I’m always in the market for some engaging historical non-fiction and jumped at the chance to read ‘Meet the Georgians’ by Robert Peal. Although my preferred historical period is the Victorians, I am intererested in what came before – especially, as an English teacher, key Georgian literary figures such as Mary Wollstonecraft and Lord Byron, both of whom feature here.

Continue reading Book Review: ‘Meet the Georgians’ by Robert Peal

(Audio)Book Review: ‘This is Your Mind on Plants’ by Michael Pollan

As an avid reader of books about the Victorian era, I’m no stranger to opium – purely in the context of reading, you understand, rather than personal experience! I am, however, a confirmed and accepting caffeine addict so this book – focused on opium, caffeine and mescaline – sounded absolutely fascinating. I duly downloaded the audiobook and got stuck in…

Continue reading (Audio)Book Review: ‘This is Your Mind on Plants’ by Michael Pollan

Blog Tour: ‘A Cut for a Cut’ by Carol Wyer

It is my stop on the blog tour for ‘A Cut for a Cut’, the second book in the series to feature DI Kate Young. I loved the first book and so couldn’t wait to read this one!

Thanks to Damp Pebbles for inviting me on the blog tour and for my copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

This book is out now! It was published on 29th June, 2021 by Thomas & Mercer.

Continue reading Blog Tour: ‘A Cut for a Cut’ by Carol Wyer

June Wrap-Up and July TBR

This hasn’t been the best reading month for me – work has been busy and my evenings haven’t been spent with my nose in a book, sadly. Instead, I’ve spent far too long on Book Twitter and adding to the TBR without clearing many of the books already on there!

I’ve read 9 books this month, putting me on 65/100 for my Goodreads Challenge. All have been at least 4 stars (I’m getting good at picking books I know I’ll love), with two getting the full five stars from me…

Continue reading June Wrap-Up and July TBR

Book Review: ‘Yours Cheerfully’ by A J Pearce

I loved the first book in this series, ‘Dear Mrs Bird’, and couldn’t wait to get back into the 1940s world of Emmy Lake and her friends. Thanks to Camilla Elworthy and Picador Books for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

Continue reading Book Review: ‘Yours Cheerfully’ by A J Pearce

WWW Wednesday: 16th June, 2021

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Taking on a World of Words. Anyone can take part and it is a great way of sharing what you have just finished reading, what you are currently reading and what is next on the TBR.

It has been a shamefully long time since I last did one of these posts! This is all the books I have read since my May Wrap-Up.

Continue reading WWW Wednesday: 16th June, 2021

May Wrap-Up and June TBR

The past few weeks have been so hectic! This wrap-up is so late!

I managed to read 10 books in May – mainly due to having taken on rather a lot of blog tours. Of these, I gave 3 *****, 6 **** and one ***. I’m now on 55/100 of my Goodreads Challenge.

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May Wrap-Up

I started the month with the very exciting and tense ‘The Assistant’ by Kjell Ola Dahl for a blog tour. I thoroughly enjoyed this slice of Nordic Noir which was set in Prohibition-era Norway, a setting I hadn’t experienced before. My review is here.

Another blog tour book followed – ‘A Public Murder’ by Antoinette Moses. This is a lively and engaging police procedural and will be the first in a series to feature DI Pam Gregory. Set between Cambridge and Crete, I loved the classical allusions of the Cretan bull and the labyrinth that are central to the story. My review is here.

David Baddiel’s audiobook, ‘Jews Don’t Count’ was up next. This is a short (it is in the TLS Essays series of hardbacks) but compelling argument that anti-Semitism isn’t recognised as ‘real’ racism. Baddiel argues that Jews are paradoxically considered both low status (discriminated against) and high status (stereotyped as privileged and wealthy) – and so racism against them is somehow discounted or ignored. This was one of my five star reads of the month – it is a real eye-opener and the audiobook is engagingly presented by Baddiel himself.

Then it was back to the blog tour books and ‘Stealing the Spanish Princess’ by Bea Green. This is another new crime series, this time featuring detective Richard Langley of Scotland Yard’s Art and Antiquities unit. The art dimension (the Spanish Princess of the title refers to a painting) was fascinating and the whole book was tied together with an engaging murder mystery too. My review is here.

This was followed by the charming ‘Mrs Narwhal’s Diary’ by S J Norbury – another blog tour read. This is a funny and relatable book about one middle-aged woman trying to hold everything together – in her case, a crumbling stately home, a husband having a mid-life crisis, children, in-laws and unhappy customers of her husband’s furniture business. My review is here.

Next up was ‘The Distant Dead’ by Lesley Thomson, a crime novel with an unusual detective – cleaner Stella Darnell. This is a clever, dual-narrative story which links a 1940 Blitz murder with events in the present day. My blog tour review is here.

Another five star read (listen) followed with the non-fiction ‘The Glamour Boys’ by Chris Bryant. Although I listened to the audiobook, I also had to buy a copy of the hardback because I needed to see pictures of the key players and re-read bits! This is the story of a group of MPs in the period prior to World War II who first identified that Nazi Germany was a threat that needed addressing – but were ignored, partly because of their queer status. This was an absolutely fascinating slice of history and brilliantly told.

Another five star read followed, this time a buddy read with Hannah’s ‘book club that isn’t a book club’ through The Write Reads – ‘The Five’ by Hallie Rubenhold. I really loved this insight into Victorian women’s lives – specifically the victims of Jack the Ripper. Rubenhold told the women’s backgrounds with clarity and tonnes of interesting details – and (commendably) kept the focus on their lives rather than their deaths.

Then I finished another buddy read (with the Tsundoku Squad), ‘Lace’ by Shirley Conran. I’ll admit that I was aware of the scandalous reputation of this one and wanted to see what the fuss was about. I wasn’t disappointed with the frankly bonkers story of a young woman and the four older women she thinks may be her mother. Bits of this felt dated, but it certainly kept me entertained. Our collective review is here.

I finished the month with another blog tour book, ‘Cut from the Same Cloth?’ edited by Sabeena Akhtar. This is a collection of essays written by Muslim women in Britain and it was an engaging and eye-opening read. My review is here.

June TBR

After May’s excesses on the blog tour front, I only have two for June and I am very much looking forward to ‘Dead Ground’ by M. W. Craven (the fourth book in the Poe and Bradshaw crime series that I’ve heard lots about) and ‘Mary Jane’ by Jessica Anya Blau (a coming-of-age 1970s nostalgia-fest!)

Aside from this, I have a stack of gorgeous proofs and hardbacks that I’m desperate to read! On the shortlist so far is ‘The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle’ by Matt Cain (this sounds like a gorgeous story of finding love later in life), ‘Murder: The Biography’ by Kate Morgan (fascinating non-fiction about the history of murder as a crime), ‘Yours Cheerfully’ by A J Pearce (sequel to the brilliant ‘Dear Mrs Bird’ – historical fiction at its most uplifting) and ‘Nighthawking’ by Russ Thomas (super-twisty crime fiction that has had rave reviews).

As usual, see you next month when I will have read precisely nothing of what I planned!

With my usual thanks to all the lovely blog tour hosts, publishers, NetGalley, bookshops and authors who keep me in books. However I come by books, opinions are always entirely my own.

Header photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash.