July Wrap-Up and August TBR

It has been a HUGE reading month for me – probably the best ever! I read 17 books in July – including three that I awarded FIVE STARS!

I’d like to thank the heatwave for making it impossible for me to do much else other than read. I am eternally grateful that this coincided (happily) with time off work!

I’m now at 81/100 on my Goodreads Challenge.

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June Wrap-Up and July TBR

This hasn’t been the best reading month for me – work has been busy and my evenings haven’t been spent with my nose in a book, sadly. Instead, I’ve spent far too long on Book Twitter and adding to the TBR without clearing many of the books already on there!

I’ve read 9 books this month, putting me on 65/100 for my Goodreads Challenge. All have been at least 4 stars (I’m getting good at picking books I know I’ll love), with two getting the full five stars from me…

Continue reading June Wrap-Up and July TBR