Blog Tour: ‘Hotbed’ by Joanna Scutts

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for ‘Hotbed’ by Joanna Scutts, a fascinating look at (as it is subtitled) ‘Bohemian New York and the Secret Club that Sparked Modern Feminism’.

Thanks to Random Things Tours for my place on the tour and for my copy of the book in exchange for an honest review – opinions are all my own!

This book was published in hardback by Duckworth on 14th July, 2022.

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Book Review: ‘Madwoman’ by Louisa Treger

Historical fiction with a strong female lead? The fictionalisation of a real-life journalistic sensation? Victorian-era New York? All of these things are exactly what brought me to this book – and I loved it!

Thanks to the author for providing me a copy for review. As always, opinions are my own.

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Book Review: ‘The Botanist’ by M W Craven

A new book by M W Craven is always a treat – usually a gory, gruesome, twisty treat, but a treat nevertheless!

This book – the fifth featuring Washington Poe and Tilly Bradshaw – is another excellent addition to the series. Regular readers will not be at all disappointed, but if you haven’t made the acquaintance of Poe and Bradshaw before then I’d recommend that you start with Book 1, ‘The Puppet Show’. This novel makes total sense as a standalone, but you really don’t want to miss the rest of the books!

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Book Review: ‘The Slow Road to Tehran’ by Rebecca Lowe

This is absolutely the best type of travel writing – engaging, humorous, vibrant and packed with historical and cultural detail. Many thanks to Rachel Quin for bringing this book to my attention and for sending me a review copy – opinions, as always, are entirely my own.

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Blog Tour: ‘One Last Secret’ by Adele Parks

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for the latest fast-paced and tense thriller by Adele Parks, who just happens to be queen of fast-paced and tense thrillers!

Thanks to HQ for inviting me on to the tour and for supplying a copy of the book for review – opinions are my own, as always.

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Blog Tour: ‘The Bloodless Boy’ by Robert J Lloyd

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for ‘The Bloodless Boy’ – a fabulous historical crime novel that is out in paperback on 14th July.

I am absolutely delighted to be opening this tour – thanks to Nikki at Melville House Press for inviting me onto the tour and for my copy of the book for review. As always, opinions are entirely my own.

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Blog Tour: ‘The Binding Room’ by Nadine Matheson

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for this fantastic new slice of crime fiction!

Thanks to HQ for inviting me on the tour and for my copy of the book in exchange for an honest review – opinions, as always, are entirely my own.

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Blog Tour: ‘Bad for Good’ by Graham Bartlett

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for this brand new, debut police procedural.

Thanks to Helen Richardson for inviting me on the tour, and to Allison and Busby for my review copy of the novel. As always, opinions are entirely my own.

Regular followers of my blog know that I love a crime novel. A debut crime novel? Even better – a chance to find a new favourite! A debut crime novel written by someone who really knows his stuff? Better still – and crime novelists probably don’t come much better qualified than Graham Bartlett, former Chief Superintendent and Police Commander of Brighton and Hove.

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Book Review: ‘Under the Marsh’ by G R Halliday

This was my first introduction to DI Monica Kennedy – but I hope I’ll meet her again! Thanks to NetGalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review. This book is due to be published in July 2022.

The story opens with a notorious female serial killer asking to see DI Kennedy from her jail cell. The killer – Pauline Tosh – reveals the whereabouts of a body buried deep in the tidal marshes. Assuming this locates one of Tosh’s own victims, the police team rush to uncover the graveā€¦and discover that things are far from as simple as they expect.

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Book Review: ‘It Ends at Midnight’ by Harriet Tyce

Thanks to Rosie at Headline for my copy of this tense thriller! As always, opinions are entirely my own.

I loved the premise for this book! A murder at midnight on Hogmanay in Edinburgh – we know there’s a body right from the start. But whose is it? And why has this New Year’s Eve party led to murder?

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