Regular visitors to The Quick and the Read know that I’m kind of obsessed with crime fiction – specifically, I love pacey, engaging police procedurals. Even better if the lead characters are distinctive or quirky in some way, plus an interesting setting is hugely important to me.
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Books That Matter – Subscription Box – October Review
I’ve been a subscriber to the ‘Books that Matter‘ feminist subscription box for about 6 months. I have to admit, a couple of other subscriptions have caught my eye recently (namely Bert’s Books and The Capital Crime Club), so I was keen to weigh up the options!
This month’s box arrived slightly less squashed than usual – always a bonus as the packaging box can be a bit flimsy (although the contents are usually just fine).

The theme of the box is ‘Season of the Witch’.
This month’s contents were:
- ‘Frankissstein’ by Jeanette Winterson
- A self-heating eye mask from
- A set of 3 no-snag fabric hairbands from Cabello Bands
- A bookmark with a Mary Shelley quotation on
- A Wellness Planner pad
- A ‘Season of the Witch’ booklet with information about the box contributors

My Review
This is another great box from ‘Books that Matter’!
I absolutely love the book choice – I have actually read this book on NetGalley and adored it (you can read my review here) but it is great to have a proper copy. And it is beautiful – look at that pink cover!

Hairbands, bookmark and eye mask gratefully received – I will use them all and I am impressed with the quality of all these items.
The ‘Season of the Witch’ booklet is interesting and will be worth a browse.
The only item I’m not that excited about is the Wellness Planner as I can’t imagine I’ll use it. It is pretty and good quality, but just not for me.

My Verdict
Another excellent subscription box – my subscription is safe for another month and the others will just have to wait…
My only observation is that £20 (including postage) feels a bit expensive if there is one of the main items that I won’t use. Still, ‘Frankissstein’ has won me over this month.
WWW Wednesday: 14th October, 2020
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam at Taking on a World of Words. It is open for anyone to join in and share what they have been/are/will be reading.
Affiliate links are provided for books already published – thanks for supporting my blog with any purchases.
What are you currently reading?
I’m still reading ‘Pandora’s Jar by Natalie Haynes from my NetGalley shelf. It’s great so far but I had to put it down to finish off some books for blog tours.
I’m also reading ‘The Servant’ by Maggie Richell-Davies. This is a Georgian-set mystery and is going well so far. It seems to be a mix of genres – historical, mystery and a bit of romance, I think. It won the Historical Writers’ Association prize for an unpublished novel so I have high hopes!

What have you recently finished reading?
I have just finished ‘The Creak on the Stairs’ by Eva Bjorg Aegisdottir, a Nordic Noir crime novel set in Iceland. It’s creepy and tense – but you’ll have to wait for my blog tour date at the weekend for my full review.

I also finished ‘Jeeves and the Leap of Faith’ by Ben Schott, a new Jeeves and Wooster novel out tomorrow and written with the approval of the P. G. Wodehouse estate. It is very funny and in the spirit of the originals – you can read my review here.
What do you think you will read next?
Stuart Turton’s ‘The Devil and the Dark Water’ is still waiting for me to have time to read it properly – I think I’ll need to be concentrating on the twists in this one!

I’ve also got another blog tour book to read for November, ‘The Phoenix Project’ by Michelle Kidd. This one is a fast-paced thriller and I’m looking forward to losing myself in the pages.
My NetGalley shelf is still looking at me balefully, so I hope also to polish off some of the excellent titles on there too!
Header photo with thanks to Jonas Jacobsson for sharing their work on Unsplash.