This is absolutely the best type of travel writing – engaging, humorous, vibrant and packed with historical and cultural detail. Many thanks to Rachel Quin for bringing this book to my attention and for sending me a review copy – opinions, as always, are entirely my own.
Continue reading Book Review: ‘The Slow Road to Tehran’ by Rebecca LoweTag: non-fiction
March 2022 Wrap-Up and April TBR
Better late than never!
March was a busy month for me…unfortunately, mainly in the work sense with an enforced Covid break in the middle. I read 9 books this month, putting me at 30/120 on my Goodreads target for the year.
Continue reading March 2022 Wrap-Up and April TBRBook Review: ‘The Marmalade Diaries’ by Ben Aitken
Given that Aitken’s previous books have been mainly focused on travel, it would seem that a Covid lockdown might put a crimp in his style.
Not so.
This book covers the period of national lockdown when Aitken, in his thirties, ended up living with 84-year old widow, Winnie Carter. She needed a helping hand round the house, he needed a cheapish room to rent – but neither of them then needed a period of national shutdown to be announced that threw these unlikely housemates together even more intensely!
Continue reading Book Review: ‘The Marmalade Diaries’ by Ben Aitken(Audio)Book Review: ‘Madhouse at the End of the Earth’ by Julian Sancton
I’m quite obsessed with Antarctica and love historical non-fiction, so this was an obvious choice for me. The book’s subtitle – ‘The Belgica’s Journey into the Dark Antarctic Night’ sold it to me instantly!
Continue reading (Audio)Book Review: ‘Madhouse at the End of the Earth’ by Julian Sancton(Audio)Book Review: ‘Traitor King: The Scandalous Exile of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor’ by Andrew Lownie
Wow, was I deluded about the abdication of King Edward VIII! In my mind, it was a wonderfully romantic story about how he sacrificed the monarchy in order to marry his true love, the twice-divorced American, Wallis Simpson.
Yeah, it wasn’t like that at all. I feel so naive!
Continue reading (Audio)Book Review: ‘Traitor King: The Scandalous Exile of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor’ by Andrew LownieBook Review: ‘Pandora’s Jar’ by Natalie Haynes
I’ve had a life-long fascination with the Greek myths which probably stemmed from the (at the time terrifying) ‘Clash of the Titans’ film that made up a chunk of my 80s childhood – very much like Haynes herself, it turns out!
Nowadays, my job as an English teacher sees me teaching Carol Ann Duffy’s ‘The World’s Wife’ so I’ve become a lot more au fait with the details of the women in the ancient texts – especially Medusa, Penelope and Eurydice – which is what brought me to Haynes’ excellent book.
Continue reading Book Review: ‘Pandora’s Jar’ by Natalie HaynesOctober 2021 Wrap-Up and November TBR
It’s been a surprisingly busy reading month – helped by school half term holidays and the desire to clear some of my proofs before I embark on NetGalley November (more of that in a bit!)
This month, I’ve read 14 books which puts me on 115/100 on my Goodreads Challenge.
Read moreBook Review: ‘Walking the Invisible’ by Michael Stewart
Thanks to HQ Stories for my proof copy of this book – and grovelling apologies for not having reviewed this earlier. As always, opinions are my own regardless of how I acquired the book.
This book was published in June 2021 in hardback – there’s also an (excellent) audiobook version available which I listened to alongside reading.
When I read the blurb for this book, I was instantly intrigued. While I’m no lover of nature and have no desire to wander the Yorkshire moors in all weathers (as this writer has done), I do love literary heritage. So of course I want to know about the buildings and villages and landscapes that inspired the Brontes.
Continue reading Book Review: ‘Walking the Invisible’ by Michael StewartAugust Wrap-Up and September TBR
It’s been a slower reading month after July’s 17 books (a record for me!) Still, I’ve read some brilliant books this month – 11 in total. All were 4 stars with the exception of one FIVE STAR read at the start of the month…
This puts me on 92/100 on my Goodreads challenge – the end is in sight!
Links on my blog are Amazon Affiliate ones - thanks for supporting my blog with any Amazon purchases at no extra cost to you.Continue reading August Wrap-Up and September TBR
WWW Wednesday: 28th July, 2021
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted at Taking on a World of Words. Anyone can take part and it is a great way of sharing what you have just finished reading, what you are currently reading and what is next on the TBR.
The school term is now finished and I am free to read! In fact, I spent much of the heatwave this week lying really still and reading books…bliss!
I’m now at 78/100 on my Goodreads Challenge.
Continue reading WWW Wednesday: 28th July, 2021