The Best Literary Gifts I’ve Ever Been Given!

With Christmas looming and the news that coronavirus might curtail our high street shopping for gifts, I thought I’d share some great literary gifts that I’ve been given.

All these are available online and I’ve provided links – these aren’t affiliate links (unless indicated otherwise) so they are provided entirely for your convenience!


I love bookends and there are so many fabulous ones available! These ceramic ones were from Amazon and I love the phrenological theme! This one is an affiliate link so I may earn commission at no extra cost to you.

Ex Libris book stamp

OK, so I know that – for some people – marking in books is absolutely not something they could countenance. However, I love a bookplate or stamp that marks these books as being mine!

This stamp is just one of many available from the brilliant Etsy store SweetBackflip. There are loads more on offer across the site with lots of different designs, but mine is the self-inking personalised version of this one.

Bookish Pins

I love enamel pins and wear them on my work lanyard. The most gorgeous ones are available from Literary Emporium – in the picture you can see some of my collection including the huge Ophelia one from the Shakespeare’s Heroines collection.

(Shhhh – quick tip – some nice book pins are available on Wish too, if you can wait for delivery from China).

Book/T Shirt/Pins Gift Boxes

These gift boxes from Literary Emporium again are absolutely perfect for book lovers. For somewhere in the region of £40 (it varies slightly by box), you get a t-shirt, beautiful hard-backed copy of a novel and a pin (or sometimes a set of pins). All this is presented beautifully in a ribbon-tied gift box with literary prints all over – absolutely gorgeous.

There are a limited number of texts available but they are all so beautiful! I have ‘Dracula’, ‘Frankenstein’ and the ‘Votes for Women’ set and a whole load of others are going on my list for Santa!

Books about Books

Lots of bookworms love reading about books! See my list on ‘The Best Books about Books’ here for some suggestions. In particular, ‘The Novel Cure’ or ‘Literary Landscapes’ would make great gifts, but there are plenty on the list.

Literary Maps

The Literary Gift Company do some fabulous maps – several of which I have up in my house as posters. In particular, I love these literary maps of the UK and America, populated by the names and locations of writers.

For something a bit pricier but absolutely gorgeous, Dex at Artfinder also does some really beautiful and detailed literary maps. I have a literary map of London and it has pride of place in my house.

There’s also a great Map of Fictional London again available from The Literary Gift Company. This can be bought either as a foldable map or poster.

Posters and Prints

The Literary Gift Company do a lovely range prints and posters – I have my eye on ‘The Master and Margarita’ vintage book cover one, but there is a great selection.

Moving up the price bracket again, Peter Walters at Artfinder does some really lovely book-themed artworks and prints. He did a fantastic ‘A Room With a View’ 3D piece for me which I love!


I have a lovely metal bookmark from HerPaperWorld at Etsy – there is a beautiful selection based on mostly fantasy books.

I’ve also got my eye on these brass bookmarks from Literary Emporium – the link takes you to the Lady Macbeth one but others are available on the site.

Book Subscriptions

For the gift that keeps on giving, consider a book subscription that sends books (with or without other bookish items) on a regular basis.

I have the Books that Matter one – you can see my latest review (of the September box) here. Every month, you get a book and other gifts, for example bookmarks, cookies, tea, posters, all with a feminist theme.

The September Books That Matter box

For other ideas, Bert’s Books do monthly subscription options and I’ve heard excellent things about the newly-launched The Capital Crime Book Club.

Book Bags and Wallets

Yoshi’s Bookworm range is pricy but lovely – I have the Shakespeare bag and bookworm wallet (pictured) but they are all wonderful. I’m saving my pennies for the new yellow additions to the range.

Book Journal

If you know someone who would want to record or track their reading, this book journal is lovely. I’ve been keeping a book journal for about 9 years and it is nice to look back at all the things I’ve read – especially as I am quite forgetful!

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So there you have it! Hopefully you have found some inspiration for presents for your bookish friends – if so, please ‘like’ this post and consider following my blog!

Header photo with thanks to Ekaterina Shevchenko for sharing their work on Unsplash.

The Best Books About Books

I recently reviewed ‘Dear Reader’ by Cathy Rentzenbrink (you can see the review here) and many of the comments I received were about the fact that people really love books about books!

With this in mind, I thought I’d introduce you to some of my favourites!

Links are affiliate links that I earn commission on at no extra cost to you – thank you for supporting my blog.

‘Bookworm: A Memoir of Childhood Reading’ by Lucy Mangan

As a life-long bookworm, I could not wait to get my hands on Mangan’s book about her childhood reading. I’m always keen to read about the experiences of one of my own tribe of book obsessives and was anticipating a blast from the past of my own childhood reading.

I was absolutely not disappointed. Being a similar age to Mangan, a lot of her book choices are cosily familiar and she writes with humour and passion. It was lovely to hear her take on old favourites, such as The Borrowers and Goodnight Mister Tom, as well as many books that I loved as a child and have recently shared with my own children. It was also wonderful to hear echoes of my own adult reservations about some of the books I loved as a child – growing up really does put some of them in a new and unflattering light!

I was also reminded of some books I haven’t thought about for about 20 years…for example, Love and Betrayal and Hold the Mayo (anyone?!) Of course not all of Mangan’s choices were familiar, but it’s so well written that it feels like a friend recommending you great new reads.

What I really loved was Mangan’s defence of being a bookworm as it is something a lot of people don’t understand. Bits of this made me laugh out loud as it was all so familiar.

I’d strongly recommend this to any keen readers who want a humorous, nostalgic trip through the bookcases of their childhood. I suspect it will particularly strike a chord with (probably female) bookworms of a similar age to Mangan (I think 43) who will have a great time rediscovering their love of Sweet Valley High, Judy Blume and other classics!

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

‘The Year of Reading Dangerously: How Fifty Great Books Saved My Life’ by Andy Miller

This is another one I only have a Kindle copy of and I regret that – it is definitely one that I would love to dip back in to sometimes.

I really loved this book. Andy Miller is very funny and the book really struck a chord with me. He is a Literature graduate (like me) with a young family (like me when I read this) and really missed reading, so he decided to tackle all the books he claimed to have read in the past and the ones he thinks he should have read.

I think we can all relate to this – as a Literature graduate, there are definitely books that were on my course that I ‘should’ have read or ones that I have a vague idea I might have read bits of only (*ahem* most of Charles Dickens and even a lot of Jane Austen. I know).

His ‘List of Betterment’ was really interesting and made me think about what I want to read – it actually inspired me to pick up ‘War and Peace’ again and I did get a fair way through it…OK, not all the way, but it’s a start and it turns out I like the Peace so much more than the War…

It was a shame that the book didn’t cover all 50 of the books, but I really enjoyed reading about his year as he writes so entertainingly. I heartily recommend this if you want a clever, witty and relatable jaunt through a reading challenge.

‘The Anna Karenina Fix: Life Lessons from Russian Literature’ by Viv Groskop

Another memoir-style book about books, this one follows Viv Groskop as she relates what she has learnt from Russian literature. Like Andy Miller, she is an engaging and lively narrator and this one is definitely worth a read.

I picked this up because I liked Russian literature at university (confession: all in English translation, obviously, and I didn’t like it enough to read all of ‘Crime and Punishment’. Wow, that is bleak). Groskop actually studied Russian at university and lived in Russia for a time, mistakenly believing she was getting back to her roots (it turns out she actually has Polish ancestry).

The book is a very funny trip through Groskop’s Russian adventures as told in a series of mini-essays about what we can learn from classic Russian literature. A lot of it was familiar to me from my university forays into these books, but there were also some really new (to me) and interesting ones covered too.

‘Dear Fahrenheit 451: A Librarian’s Love Letters and Break-Up Notes to Her Books’ by Annie Spence

This is a really unusual idea, but an interesting one! It’s a series of letters to books that Spence has fallen out of love with and books that she is ‘weeding’ from the library she works at to take out of circulation.

It’s really entertainingly written – there’s a lot about the library and some of its patrons as well as about the books themselves. There’s a lot of American books here (Spence is American) and more Sci-Fi than I would read, but it is so engaging – it would be especially amazing for readers who share Spence’s genre interests.

This is worth reading for the section on Judy Blume’s ‘Forever’ – a book that probably needs no introduction for anyone of my generation!

‘Books that Changed the World: The 50 Most Influential Books in Human History’ by Andrew Taylor

I loved the idea behind this one – to take 50 books that have had a huge impact on the world and write a short essay on each (5 or 6 pages each) explaining their main ideas and why they had such an impact.

Some I was familiar with already and are well-known (e.g. Homer’s ‘Iliad’ and Johnson’s Dictionary) but some choices were really unexpected and it was fascinating to read Taylor’s views on why they were so important. It also gave me more information on books that I really should know more about (for example religious texts, a personal blind spot for me!) It was also lovely to see some old favourites mentioned – a bit of nostalgia for my degree course!

‘1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die’ by Peter Boxall

From 50 books in Taylor’s view to 1001 that you MUST read before you die! I love this kind of list book, but I will never get near having read even a fraction of these books!

This is a lovely reference book for bookworms because it features so many fabulous books – some of which you will recognise and others that are new. Because it isn’t just about books published in English (although obviously English translations are available for them all), it is really interesting to read about classic and highly-regarded books from other countries. Each book also has an accompanying picture too, so this is a great book to have a browse through.

Be warned: this is a dangerous book for anyone’s TBR!

‘Read This Next…And Discover Your 500 New Favourite Books’ by Sandra Newman and Howard Mittelmark

This is another book that might well destroy your TBR. It has sections about some brilliant books (12 books per section, divided into themes like ‘Family’ or ‘Love’ or ‘History’) and then recommendations of other books to read if you enjoyed the focus book.

What I loved about this book was that it contained so many books I already really loved (it is always nice to spot something familiar in these books!) However, it also introduced me to many books that I hadn’t heard of, or knew the title only – the synopses are interesting and really give you a sense of whether you’d like the book. There are also some really interesting boxes of information sprinkled through the book – snippets about writers or quirky facts or context – that are a brilliant addition.

There’s also discussion points for book groups which are fascinating – some real food for thought and ways to think about the books that I’d never really considered.

‘The Novel Cure: An A to Z of Literary Remedies’ by Ella Berthoud and Susan Elderkin

This is another book which recommends books to readers, but this time based on a range of ailments that need a literary cure!

Arranged like a medical dictionary, you look up your ‘ailment’ and get your literary prescription (which is then explained to you so you get a flavour of the book recommended).

Is your problem ‘being fifty-something’? Look it up and there are ten novels recommended for you. Maybe you have that ‘Monday morning feeling’ – the cure is ‘Mrs Dalloway’ by Virginia Woolf! Road rage? Shame? Yearning for home? They’re all here with the perfect literary remedy.

This is a fun idea and an engaging read, but it also introduced me to some great new books!

‘Literary Landscapes: Charting the Real-Life Settings of the World’s Favourite Fiction’ edited by John Sutherland

As well as books, I also have an obsession with maps so this one is perfect for me!

It’s beautifully illustrated (sometimes with maps, often with book illustrations, book covers and author photos) and takes the reader on a trip around the worlds created in fiction. These range from the worlds of Romantic or Modernist novels to contemporary books – date-wise this means from Austen’s ‘Persuasion’ to books published in the last decade.

The focus on the places behind the novels or that shaped them is always fascinating and it is another book that – sorry – will probably add to your TBR!

‘What Matters in Jane Austen: Twenty Crucial Puzzles Solved’ by John Mullan

This is a must-read for any Jane Austen fan as it explains some of the things that seem a bit puzzling for the modern reader. It is also really engagingly written by someone who really knows their stuff – I saw John Mullan speaking at the Hay Festival and can confirm he is a fascinating chap!

This is a great book if you have ever wondered about the conventions and norms of society sitting behind Austen’s stories – from proposals of marriage to money to how the characters address each other, it’s all here.

It also asks some interesting questions about Austen’s body of work such as ‘Is there any sex in Jane Austen?’ and ‘Why do her plots rely on blunders?’ The answers are always readable and often surprising! (Spoiler: there is a lot of sex in Jane Austen’s books! It might be euphemistically referred to but it is there!)

Phew, that’s 10 brilliant books about books! However, I thought that there should also be some ‘honourable mentions’ – books that are also absolutely awesome but I couldn’t fit on my list here:

  1. ‘The Complete Polysyllabic Spree: The Diary of an Occasionally Exasperated but Ever Hopeful Reader’ by Nick Hornby – this is a collection of Hornby’s essays on ‘Stuff I’ve Been Reading’ that were originally published in a US magazine in the noughties. If you like Nick Hornby, you’ll like this.
  2. ‘Madresfield: The Real Brideshead’ by Jane Mulvagh – this one really stemmed from my love of Evelyn Waugh’s ‘Brideshead Revisited’. It is about the house and the family that inspired the novel and is a fascinating slice of history.
  3. ‘Mad World: Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Brideshead’ – yes, OK, I have a Brideshead obsession! This is really engagingly written, and this time focused on Evelyn Waugh himself and his his relationship with the Lygon family at Madresfield. I read this when I was pregnant and gave me my daughter’s name – Evelyn Waugh was married to a lady called…Evelyn!
  4. ‘The Writer’s Map: An Atlas of Imaginary Lands’ by Huw Lewis-Jones – a gorgeous book that only doesn’t appear higher up the list because I couldn’t find my copy! Packed with maps of lands created only in writers’ imaginations from Treasure Island to the Marauders’ Map in Harry Potter, this is worth every penny.
  5. ‘The Literary Detective: 100 Puzzles in Classic Fiction’ by John Sutherland – Sutherland is always an interesting guide to literature and this book (in the vein of Mullan’s Austen book mentioned above) seeks to solve things that might not make sense to readers of classic novels.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my list – please do let me know of any books about books that you love. I’m always on the lookout!

Notes from a Nervous Newbie…

I can’t remember a time I wasn’t obsessed with reading. From the early days of illicit Secret Seven books devoured after lights-out to breakfasts spent poring over cereal packets to the more highbrow demands of a Literature degree…if there’s reading material available, I’m there!

Having spent years talking about books with anyone who would listen, I then found NetGalley and settled in to reviewing books alongside my day job as secondary English teacher. I kind of refined my genres and interests and my passion for books continued to grow. I’d say it was a well-cultivated and controlled development, like a beautiful bonsai tree. My husband would say an obsession growing more like knotweed, but heigh-ho…

So I’ve finally taken the plunge and here is my very own blog. You can expect book reviews covering a range of genres – historical crime is a favourite, alongside anything set in the Victorian era, but I really am not prescriptive. I love funny books, fiction and non-fiction, ‘Women’s fiction’ (always thought that was a weird category title, to be honest), police procedurals and books about books. But also anything else that takes my fancy along the way.

You also don’t get to be a long-term bookworm without becoming au fait with all kinds of literary gifts, subscription services and other connected bits and bobs. I’ll be chatting about these too.

Most importantly, all the opinions are my very own and have no ulterior motive. If I don’t love it, I’m not recommending it!

So welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by. This is one scary step so please be kind!