Book Review: ‘Tennison’ by Lynda La Plante

I was absolutely delighted to be asked to join #TeamTennison and read the whole series featuring Jane Tennison from the start! Thanks to Compulsive Readers for my spot on the team and for my copies of the books.

This review is for ‘Tennison’, the first in the series – most people will be familiar with DCI Jane Tennison from the ‘Prime Suspect’ series featuring Dame Helen Mirren, but this series takes us back to 1973 and the very start of Tennison’s career.

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Blog Tour: ‘The Butcher and the Wren’ by Alaina Urquhart

Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for ‘The Butcher and the Wren’, a tense and terrifying serial killer mystery set in the bayous of Louisiana.

Thanks to Sriya at Michael Joseph for inviting me onto the tour and for my copy of the book in exchange for an honest review – opinions are always my own.

Continue reading Blog Tour: ‘The Butcher and the Wren’ by Alaina Urquhart