It has been a hectic month for me as I am back in school and teaching full-time which means my blogging and reading has taken more of a back seat.
Despite this, I’ve read 10 books this month and am on 89/100 on my Goodreads challenge.
What I’ve read this month
I finally finished Rebecca Lipkin‘s HUGE book on John Ruskin, ‘Unto this Last’. This was for a blog tour and you can read my review of this Victorian set and styled novel here.

I felt that this was a month when I really wanted to read some cheerful books, so I picked Ruby Wax’s ‘And Now For The Good News’ (review here), ‘Why Mummy’s Sloshed’ by Gill Sims and ‘Zeus is a Dick’ by Susie Donkin.
All made me smile in different ways – Ruby Wax delivered some great news about ways in which society is advancing and improving (in her own comedic style), Gill Sims always writes relatable and hilarious novels about the pitfalls of parenting and Susie Donkin’s take on the Greek myths is very, very funny. The latter two are publishing in October and November respectively so watch this space for reviews.
Also funny but surprisingly moving was Dawn O’Porter’s ‘Life in Pieces’ about her experiences of lockdown – review here.
As well as funny books, this has been the month of the audiobook. I’m not usually an audiobook fan because I’m easily distracted and zone out when I’m listening! However, I’ve loved Polly Samson’s ‘A Theatre for Dreamers’ (review here) and Adam Rutherford’s ‘The Book of Humans’. Samson’s novel is a gorgeous, sun-soaked tale of artists and writers in 1960s Greece while Rutherford’s non-fiction book engagingly discussed what makes us different (or not) from our animal cousins.
I also read ‘Good Samaritans’ by Will Carver as a buddy read with Jodie @relish_books. It is a fast-paced, gritty mystery with plenty of twists – it certainly kept me reading although it really is quite grim.

I finished this month on an absolute high with two brilliant books. First up was ‘A Tomb With A View’ by Peter Ross which is about the stories behind graveyards, memorials and various burial rites. It had the potential to be depressing, but I actually found it fascinating and strangely calming. Some of the stories were sad, others comforting or even strangely uplifting, and Ross writes beautifully. A review will follow when I’ve digested this book a bit more!
Finally, my last book this month was ‘Cows Can’t Jump’ by Philip Bowne. My review will follow as part of a blog tour, but I loved this quirky and often funny tale of first love.

What I want to read in October
As well as the blog tour for Philip Bowne’s ‘Cows Can’t Jump’, I am doing one for ‘The Creak on the Stairs’ by Eva Bjorg Aegisdottir. This one looks creepy and sinister so a perfect read for as the nights draw in!
I’ve already shared a sneak peek at my NetGalley shelf this month, so expect some more of these to crop up on the blog soon! Full post with my reasoning for picking these fabulous books is here.

I would also really love to get round to reading Caitlin Moran’s ‘More Than a Woman‘ as it keeps getting pushed down my TBR by blog tour books. Hopefully, I’ll get to it soon.
So that’s me! I love wrap ups and TBRs so make sure you let me know where I can read yours…
Header photo with thanks to hannah grace for sharing their work on Unsplash.
Can’t believe it is October already!
I know. Time is flying this year even though it has been the weirdest year ever!
I’m so ready for October reading. I have some e-ARCs I really need to get to, but I’m also hoping to read allll the mystery and spooky reads. I didn’t get much read in September. Glad you had a good month.
Hope you have a fab October 😊