Book Review: ‘No Less the Devil’ by Stuart MacBride

I’d not read any books by Stuart MacBride before, but had heard excellent things about this writer of ‘Tartan Noir’ and approached this book with enthusiasm.

The book centres on Operation Maypole, the Scottish Police’s attempt to catch the serial killer they’ve named the Bloodsmith. It’s been 17 months since his first kill and DS Lucy McVeigh is tasked with going over the evidence collected so far in the hope of establishing a new lead. With her partner, the Dunk (DC Duncan Fraser), she revisits crime scenes and uncovers new information – although she is in danger of being distracted by a cry for help from a paranoid prisoner who was previously convicted of killing a homeless man. As the murders continue, Lucy finds herself dealing with forces beyond her own comprehension….

I absolutely loved the majority of this book. The main draw for me was the relationship between Lucy and the Dunk – one that is mildly antagonistic but very funny. The Dunk is a humorous character, dressed all in black like an international man of mystery, yet scarily unfit when it comes to climbing stairs. I loved the scenes with the partners working together and laughed out loud a few times at MacBride’s descriptions of people, including the Dunk.

As well as the wonderfully vivid and descriptive language (perhaps too vivid in the case of some of the crime scenes!), MacBride also proves adept at plotting a tense and compelling crime novel. I genuinely raced through this (and it is quite a long book) because there was variety, humour and a very high body count – never a dull moment.

Even when the novel takes some dark turns – and Lucy’s past trauma is described in shocking detail – I was totally on board. Everything seemed to be heading for a perfect police procedural and I was totally sold.

So why three stars instead of five? I think this is partly my fault for expecting the novel to fit the genre neatly – I had expectations for the resolution and it just didn’t go the way I thought, In fact – without giving spoilers – it takes some unnerving, unexpected and brave paths. I think some readers will absolutely love the denouement – it’s clever and interesting – but it was just a little too confusing for me,

However I felt about the latter stages of this novel, I’m definitely keen to read more by MacBride. The humour, characterisation, vibrancy of language and sharp eye for detail absolutely won me over and I’ve already bought another book to try.

Thanks to NetGalley/Pigeonhole for giving me access to the book in exchange for an honest review.

If you’d like a copy of this book (out 28th April, 2022), please use my affiliate link below. Thanks for supporting my blog with any purchases!

Header photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

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Bookworm, Mum and English teacher. Resident of Cheshire in the rainy north of England but an Essex girl at heart and by birth.